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Following seven-year break Ukrainian-Polish forum of historians resumes its work

The inaugural meeting of a Polish-Ukrainian forum of historians has concluded in Kyiv. Consisting of 12 historians from Institutes of national remembrance from both countries, the forum's aim is to discuss some of the most difficult and controversial pages in both countries' history in the years between 1939 and 1947.

Paweł Ukielski, Institute of National Remebrance of Poland Deputy President: "We have some period that we did not have a dialogue among them. We would like to discuss issues that are dividing our public opinions, but also historians."

Both parties recognize that there are difficult moments in both countries' history, and the aim of the forum is not to rewrite this history.

Volodymyr Vyatrovych, Institute of National Remembrance of Ukraine Director: "We renewed the dialogue between Ukrainian and Polish historians, dialogue about difficult problems in our past. I think it's important that each side can hear each other."

And when the parties start hearing each other, they will be able to achieve their goals - find common interpretation of facts, discuss the new documents and present their findings to both nations:

Paweł Ukielski, Institute of National Remebrance of Poland Deputy President: "If we achieve those goals, definitely it would help to understand better each other for our nations. Reconciliation is possible only on truth and our work should help to get to truth."

The first meeting was to outline the plan and agree on the procedures it has also scheduled the next two meetings, which will take place every half a year in Ukraine and Poland. In spring of 2016, when the historians will gather again – this time in Poland – they will finally start the long-delayed dialogue.

This is Volodymyr Solohub and Vladyslav Lytvyn reporting from Kyiv for Ukraine Today.

Video online is here.

From: Ukraine Today